Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies (CATMT)

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

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Transformational & Supporting Programs


ADS-BAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)is FAA's satellite-based successor to radar. ADS-B makes use of GPS technology to determine and share precise aircraft location information, and streams additional flight information to the cockpits of properly equipped aircraft.


CATMTCollaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies (CATMT) is a suite of enhancements to the decision-support and data-sharing tools used by air traffic management personnel. These enhancements will enable a more collaborative environment among controllers and operators, improving efficiency in the National Airspace System.

Data Comm

Data CommData Communications (Data Comm) will enable controllers to send digital instructions and clearances to pilots. Precise visual messages that appear on a cockpit display can interact with an aircraft's flight computer. Offering reduced opportunities for error, Data Comm will supplant voice communications as the primary means of communication between controllers and flight crews.


NNEWNextGen Network Enabled Weather (NNEW) is part of an interagency effort to provide users of the National Airspace System with quick, easy and cost-effective access to timely, accurate weather information. Through the sharing of common weather data, NNEW will enhance safety and support collaborative decision making.


NVSThe National Airspace System Voice System (NVS) will supplant FAA's aging analog voice communication system with state-of-the-art digital technology. NVS will standardize the voice communication infrastructure among FAA facilities, and provide greater flexibility to the air traffic control system.


SWIMSystem Wide Information Management (SWIM) is the network structure that will carry NextGen digital information. SWIM will enable cost-effective, real-time data exchange and sharing among users of the National Airspace System.


AIREThe Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce Emissions (AIRE) is a cooperative agreement between the United States and the European Commission to promote and harmonize environmental initiatives and procedures in European and North American airspace

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